goddamn this noise inside my head
Woher auch!

oh how you could make me smile
and how you could make me laugh
I felt so safe
I loved you more with each breath

but how things have changed now
the way you pushed me out
its time to come back around
its time to let you know that

I hope you hurt as much as me

this love turns to hate
I watch you make the same mistakes
now that I've pulled through
I hope it all comes back to you

when you're cut wide open
when you're feeling broken
maybe then you'll see
just how much you fucked with me

I hope you hurt as much as me

Aftermath von Battery

Schön, wenn Musik ziemlich genau das trifft, was man so fühlt.
rip meinte am 31. Mai, 16:02:
fuck, der song tut weh. genial. 
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